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Awareness, Training and Resource Provision

The three things mentioned are the core of establishing a satisfactory and reliable structure to manage out of hospital cardiac arrest. Without any one of these components, the management remains suboptimal and results in compromised care leading to permanent and irreversible damages to one’s life.

To achieve our goal, we need to work hard and smart, this organization truly believes in teamwork and continual progression which is the key element of success. We are targeting the general public as our audience because this is the only way of forming a sustainable structure.

Awareness is an umbrella term that includes insight into the situation, information about appropriate health facilities for transfer, the right choice of transportation means, and knowledge about near-by available AED.

Similarly, when we talk about training and resource provision, it completes the holistic approach towards cardiac arrest making the chances better. Training includes practice and precision which can come only by repetition and a helpful learning environment.
Resource provision includes the supply of required logistics to deal with OHCA. It includes an automatic external defibrillator, suitable transportation services equipped with instruments needed to continue resuscitation en-route.

We expect to achieve our goals with your help and support because it is our responsibility towards society to make it better and safer for everyone.